How does a life size doll feel when you touch it?

A lot of the stuff I have read about sex dolls seems like it was written by people who have no clue what they are talking about! Having had my sex doll for the better part of a year, I feel qualified to give my opinion on what a sex doll actually feels like.

I spent ages looking for the right one, but I settled on a sex doll called Julie from a company called Eastfay. I went for this one as she has this goth look that I love and Eastfay had the best price and I liked how friendly they were.

Anyway, I was not exactly sure what to expect, the site talks a great deal about real feel skin and stuff like that and to be honest, you can tell that it is not real skin, but it is pretty damn close, probably as close as you can get. I was actually surprised as I thought she was going to feel like rubber, but that is not the case at all, she feels great and as I said, I do not know what material they could use which would get you closer to that real feel.

I would not say that her private areas feel exactly the same either, but they offer you a very real sensation if you get what I am saying. All of her “areas” felt amazing and I think that they and her actual skin are close enough to the real thing, that when you are in the moment, it feels as real as it can be.

As someone who spent a nice chunk of change on his sex doll, I can hand on heart say that I do not regret my decision one bit.

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